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2015. szeptember 18., péntek

TMI member, or the the first real post

Hello, my sweetlings,

The time has come when I share my first real post on this blog :) I am so excited! :)
I thought, first let's get introduced, but not in any way! :) the simple, traditional introduction would have been dull (according to me), which is why I chose this TAG, as it is nicknamed: Too Much Information TAG.
I would tell you that I am an obsessed YouTube viewer, and I also saw this quiz at 'beauty' themed youtubers, so a few questions have been changed here and there, so it would fit. Then luckily I found a couple of websites, which was a relief, seeing that I'm not alone in altering it. :)
So come on, there are still 50 questions waiting to be answered. :)

1) What are you wearing now?
It so happens that it's around half twelve in the night and I still can't sleep, therefore pyjamas. Black top with "I love electro" written on it with black cotton trousers. (I have to say though, it's not my favourite music genre)

2) Have you ever been in love?
I am one of those people who fall in love easily, so if I start the conversation with "Hey, listen, I'm in love!" then people no longer even listen to me just absentmindedly nod.

3) Have you had a terrible brake up?
Thank God, no. :)

4) How tall are you?
Around 165 cm

5) How heavy are you?
It sways between 55 & 60 kg depending on season and celebrations. :)

6) Do you have any tattoos?
No, but I always wanted one! I love the nice, artistic ones, it is as if one were wearing a complete piece of art on oneself, of course, only discretely! Since I have seen tattoos on old people (and it was quite gruesome), I am still thinking :)
I find long term decisions difficult to make.

7) Do you have any piercings?
No, and this I would never want! Sadly, I know some who have regretted it, or have had a hard time with it, and so I no longer fancy it. Perhaps one more in my ear.

8) OTP?
No idea :D I think most film pairings are good as they are, but if I must say one, then it's Hazel and Gus from The Fault in Our Stars. Selflessness and true love. Is there a need for anything else?

9) Your favourite series?
However unbelievable, I do not watch series. What I do like is 2 Broke Girls, but I don't mind too much if I have to miss episodes.

10) Your favourite band?
Oh my gosh! :D I hate your-favourite questions, because I always have at least three instead of one. Some of my favourite Hungarian bands are Tankcsapda, Hooligans, Kowalsky meg a Vega, Children of Distance. My foreign dreams are Linkin park, Green day, Beatles. That should be enough! :D

11) Something you miss?
Mountains. I live in Budapest but my family is originally from BAZ (district), and there, there are mountain rages, which I haven't even noticed for a long time, then I left and now I miss every single peak.

12) Your favourite piece of music?
You're expecting me to list all me favourite songs from every single one of my favourite bands? :D

13) How old are you?

14) What is your horoscope?
Scorpion. Sometimes I'm completely a scorpion, sometimes not at all.

15) what characteristics would your ideal partner have?
Because of all the reading, I live in a dream world, therefore it is almost impossible to find a man who would rise to my high expectations. (There are some but few.) Mutual love and respect are very important, also that he can make me laugh, likes my family and accepts that I am religious. He can relax, but not to the point where he's so drunk he's fighting a bush, and doesn't smoke. Not less importantly, he looks after me :P

16) Your favourite quote?
Don't have any but song lyrics can be very touching.

17) Your favourite actor/actress?
The big trio for me is Leonardo DiCaprio, Johnny Depp and Morgan Freeman. I would have you know that it's not necessarily the film they play in that I like, but the performance. :)

18) Your favourite colour?
I prefer pastel colours, but to make it simple, orange (stormy, sky-orange) and blue (midnight blue).

19) Loud or soft music?
Mood dependent. Loud music gives me a headache so I can't bear it for too long.

20) Where do you go when you're sad?
To my bedroom, I cuddle on my bed, but sometimes I climb up to my gallery. :)

21) How long do you stay in the shower?
Quite a long time, enough to get ready but not enough to be too long. :) i.e. 10 minutes maximum.

22) How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
If everything is included 15-20 minutes.

23) Have you ever been in a fight?
Yes. :)

24) What cheers you up?
A good book, music, my family.

25) What makes you sad?
If one cannot relax and so ruins everyone else's mood. This is my newest experience. :)

26) Why did you join the bloggers?
I would like to share my thoughts and experiences with others, because I can be very reserved and not aware of what's actually around me.

27) What are you scared of?
Because of bad memories, travelling in a car. I know that my parents only let me sit next to safe drivers now, but sometimes I'm scared even next to my own Dad in case an accident would happen.
Completely bonkers, but butterflies disgust me as well as some other insects, which are not flies or spiders but more exotic species such as centipedes or millipedes.

28) What was the last thing that made you cry?
Since I am very much able to cry about even pics of gifs, pretty much anything can make me shed tears, but this time it was an advert against racism.

29) Who was the last person you told you loved them?
Because I always love everyone and I also always tell everyone, I think that would be my whole family all at the same time. :) To make it simple, my little sister when I gave her a goodnight-kiss.

30) The meaning of the blogs name?
I think the name 'Book's Only' is quite plain. :) I don't really know why I chose this name since I have only been learning English for a year and I didn't even know what 'only' meant :D I'm not very creative and all the good ones are already taken.

31) The last book you read?
Marie-Aude Murail: Oh, boy!

32) What are you reading now?
James Dashner: The Death Cure

33) The last series you have seen?
2 broke girls. I just can't get enough. :P

34) The last person you have talked to?
My parents, because I couldn't find my ID and it turns out they had it. Yes, ID comes to my mind this late in the evening. :)

35) What is your relationship like with the last person you have texted?
That would have been my Mom, telling me to arrive at Nanny's for noon so we can have lunch. :D

36) Your favourite food?
I would rather not write its name down because it's Swabian food from where I'm from, but I could eat it for weeks on end! Then, since I'm a meat-eater, I love my Nanny's stuffed meat and potato pot (traditional Hungarian dish), my God-mom's chilly beans, and Mom's meat made with double cream and sweet corn, bonfire stack dessert, or her onion purée soup and fruit soup are also ones I can never get tired of. :) (after my books comes my stomach)

37) Where would you most like to go?
Amsterdam is my dream place, or Transylvania. Apart from that I have decided to travel Hungary, but that also includes my family. :) We're doing pretty well.

38) The last place you have been to?
My Nanny's in the countryside.

39) Is there anyone you're falling for?
I have read that if you are still attracted to someone after three months then it's love, so yes. :)

40) Who was the last one you kissed?
My little sister when I gave her a goodnight-kiss. :)

41) When was the last time someone upset you?
Unawares, but my form teacher. I mean I don't know why she did it, but I have every right to be angry with her, only she doesn't know it yet.

42) Your favourite treat?
You're seriously expecting me to chose one? :D I'm not much into sugary stuff but Nanny's cakes and some chocolate could always come in handy.

43) What instrument do you play?
I played the recorder for a year then the oboe, but sadly I had to quit. Since then my heart yearns to be able to hold an oboe once again.

44) Your favourite jewellery?
Another 'your favourite' questions and I'm going suicidal :D I love all me jewellery, all of them have their own little history and is dear to me for one reason or another.

45) What was the last sport you played?
I swam in lake Balaton. :) Since it has to be a 'played' sport, table tennis and volleyball.

46) What was the last song you sang?
There is still soft music on even at 2am.

47) Your favourite pick-up line?
I don't have one. Is that normal? :D

48) Have you ever used it?
Since I don't have one, no. :)

49) When was the last time you went out with someone on a date?
Would talking on internet due to distance count? Because I think it should.

50) Who should answer these questions?
Well, this one's easy! :) Anyone who would like to, since I would love to get to know my readers, if there will be any. So you can answer them in email, comment even in thought, have fun! :D

Wow, it wasn't as hard as I anticipated. :)
I hope you know me better now and didn't mind the little faces :) I'm so cheerful I feel like grinning even at this time of night. :)
Love you lots, you'll hear from me soon! <3

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